Thursday 31 January 2008

Topic of the day... after some random story of my past...

This is me when i was standard 2.

Came back from school (morning class). Had my lunch... did my homework(i think i did)... or maybe i didnt have any homework that day (more unlikely considerin i was in chinese school and they pile homework up everday). Anyways... all i remembered was that i didnt have anything to do... and i was bored... cartoon only started at 4 ( at least i thought it started at 4*story of that will come soon*) back then there was no astro, thus no cartoon network or disney channel to watch swatcats! centurions! or... gummi bears!

Anyways.. i took a shower.. came out.. and while i was takin clothes from my cupboard.. i noticed a video tape (*gosh.. that was so old school) on my bros part of the cupboard (we used to share cupboard and room) tittled: "GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE"

so i thought.. hmm.. might be some kids movie.. or cartoon.. or just a movie...

So this is me.. going in to my parents room to turn it on and stuff.. after 2 minutes of random conversation between one guy only wearing a leaf to cover his body and a girl who was fully dressed with white dress.. they started strippin.. and.. started doing it..

So there it was.. my 1st time watching porn! i didnt know what was happening.. i was like.. wtf (ok la.. i didnt know the 'f' part yet.. but you get the point)

2 minutes later.. my maid walks into the room to vacuum the room only to see me watching porn.. and she was like " WIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNN... what are you doing!!!!"

She told my mum about it.. i didnt get any scolding at all.. it wasnt my fault after all.. but my brother did!

So yeah.. possibly one of the reasons why my head is so messed up now.. haha

ok... thats my 1st time watchin porn story!! whats yours? come on.. just admit it!!!

now... to the fun part!!!


Did your parents ever gave you the 'sex talk' lecture? if so, how did they do it? Will you do it to your kids in the future? If so, how will you go abouts doing it?

couz seriously, i dont recall my parents givin it to me.. nothing at all! all i remembered was me buyin porn when i was 13 years old at the night market.. and hiding it at a place where i thought was perfect.. only to realise that .. 2 cm away from where i put the porn was where my mum hid her jewelries (its sorta inside the top layer of the cupboard that we had..where you can move the glass and put it inside.. but you cant reli see whats inside couz the light is in the way and you can only open up the glass that much hard to explain.. will show you photo next time) so yeah.. didnt feel what else was in there.. and i swear i thought i had the perfect hiding spot for my porn.. hmmm.. so yeah.. needless to say i got scolded big time!

Also.. this was my trick at night markets at how to get porn when i was 13.. up to the age of about .. 14. Go to the guy... look around his vcd's... and show no interest in any of the new movies that are out. If he ask you.. just say you have them all.. and he will know that you want porn.. and he will ask you... you want porn a? follow me to my car...where he will have a huge stash of porn!!!

Funny thing about porn is you never get what you asked for! the cover will be filled with hot hot girls.. and the girls in the porn itself is totally different! once i got one with the cover showing american cheerleaders and i got asian lesbians instead.. wth..

ok.. back to the story! yeah.. i didnt get any sex talk at all... rather disappointing.. though i think the only thing that my mum has ever said to me was rather.. influential.. and i think it will forever stay in my head.. all she said was..

dont do anything to other people that you dont want other people to do to your sisters..

Its good.. and.. yeah.. always affected by it.. but.. i want a cool sex talk like the famous one that ken got!!!!

kens dad: son, if you get a girl pregnant... dont worry... call pa... and we'll sort it out..
(i think its something like that.. maybe not word for word but its definitely close and the point was the same. This was what kens dad said to him while he was in the car on the way to airport i think? anyone wanna correct me if im wrong?)

so yeah.. cool stuff!!!

Wednesday 30 January 2008

You cant stop the beat

Just a random thought... as i just finished watching hairspray (for the 3rd time), for those who have watched it... tell me whether its just me or whether its true... i swear... that all the male dancers... basically all the actors were... not blondes? or even any colour close to it.. they were all black haired or dark brown! i swear! there were quite a few blonde hair girls.. but.. no guys at all...

I swear... its true.. go watch it again!!! the only blonde hair guy was the reporter saying 'interracial dancing has broken out at WYT stage, just look at the crowds reaction' or something like that... token appearance for like.. 5 seconds!

also remembered.. even in grease.. apart from the other leader with john travolta.. i think everyone else was black haired...

So the question is.. why are there so many blonde hair guys nowadays? couz i dont think guys dye their hair as much as girls.. and besides.. why would they want to be blonde? just doesnt make sense?

conclusion1: blonde hair guys cant dance ( but ivan from sytycd can!)
conclusion2: the casting crew for these 2 shows were gay dudes and they prefer brunette guys!!
conclusion 3: maybe there werent any blonde hair guys in the past? i reli dont know..

As you can see.. im really heading no where with this post.. hahaha. just thought id update it.. hahaha..

poor effort on my part.. ah well.. ill make sure the next post is better.. hahaha

ps. Why in the world is queen latifah's hair blonde? was there even hair dye in the 60's? Shes not the only one, quite a couple of black actress in there has blonde hair? WTF man? role reversal i say...

Monday 28 January 2008

asian fetishes

Went out for a couple of drinks on saturday with some of my basketball friends (it was the day after exams) and it was me, 2 spanish ppl(twins), 1 french, and 1 austrian ( though she is actually half egyptian, half dutch) .. and this is our conversation involving asians.

spanish twin 1: Man, you know.. all the asians i know.. they sleep everyday for like... 12 hours!!
austrian: Yeah.. but thats because they dont sleep at night. Everytime i go online at 3 in the morning, edwin will always send me a msg on msn saying ' hi' without fail!
spanish twin 2: Ya but that still doesnt mean they need 12 hours...
me: .........
french: Yea man.. asians are just like pandas... they sleep non stop!
spanish twins: edwin.. you are just like a panda!! your the panda...
austrian: ooh... Edwin the panda...
french: oooh.. how are you panda*points at me*.. you wanna sleep panda? you want bamboo panda?
me: @#$%^%$

thus.. my nickname from now on is 'Panda'

We went on with the conversations and the spanish twins were going on about asian fetishes.. they said " man.. those asians... when they wanna do something... they will be so obsessed about it and will not stop learning till they are the best "..

Didnt quite get what they meant but they gave me examples after that... i know a few asians.. and i remember.. around 6 years ago.. all they do everyday is play the stupid yoyo.. but they are the best in it.. they can do whatever they want.. all the tricks the yoyo book has!!

Not only that.. they are also obsessed about their pen tricks... they can do the helicopter ones.. the flicking ones.. they can do all this shit.. and during lectures.. while they are thinking the are doing all this stupid tricks whilst listenin to the lecture.. Wtf.. how can you concentrate...

Hahaha.. so yeah.. quite true lor i think.. i think that asians do have a lil bit of an obsession going on.. but then again thats a good thing.. so whatever we are interested in .. or that we thrive to do.. we make sure we are the best in it..

Just like me.. and my shoe collection! hahahahha .... obsession sia..

Wednesday 23 January 2008

tofu town... filled with girls with tofu complexion

names arent going to be mentioned here, because... just due to privacy reasons... and also couz.. ppl will seriously think im a stalker *though im not really denyin it*

Nevertheless, im sure some of you (well, im sure at least 2 of you) will be able to connect the dots and know who im talking about...

Was chatting to someone i met through one of my BEST friend. As i cant reveal names.. that someone i was chatting to will be called 'tofu 1' and my BEST friend will be called.. erm.. lets just say... 'shit face'

All the while i thought that tofu 1 and shitface were from 'diamonds bay' or teluk intan(T.I), couz shit face told me that they were high school friends and shit face was from T.I.

Wel... i was wrong to ASSUME, as charlie says.. dont ASSUME.. couz it makes an ASS out of U and ME! get it.. lame attempt i know...

back to the story.. tofu1 was actually from ipoh.. (thus explainin why she was fair and good lookin in comparison to shitface) but went to T.I for 2 years for high school and thats how she met shitface

So i was going on about how girls from ipoh are always hot... and really really fair.. good complexion and stuff.. and i was telling her how.. i know another friend.. who has a very hot friend.. and she was from ipoh as well.. ( name for my friend is 'blur2' and name for her friend is 'tofu2')

so tofu1 asked me to name tofu2's name.. and i gave her a rough name..(cant remember the full name), and tofu 1 asked me.. ooh.. she goes to melb uni... ok.. i think her name is this... AND SHE NAMED tofu2's name

gave tofu1 blur2's blog to check out the photo to see whether we were talking about the same person... and we were...

apparently there are a lot of hot girls there...

all i can say.... next time i go back.. im going to ipoh... AND EAST MALAYSIA(mabel should know why)!! to 'survey the place'...

On a last note... all i can say is that..
What a small world huh... or.. well.. what a small town huh?

ps. My definition of hot is actually how sweet the person looks... like.. the type of hot you can bring back and show your parents... yet.. somehow you can take em clubbin and your friends will be like... "man edwin that lucky bastard"
*i thought id defend myself just in case tofu2 reads this posts.. even though thats super farfetched... i wanna defend myself so at least she doesnt think im a total wanker

ps. Daniel.. you up for the trip? hahaha..anyone else want to join for the 'trip'?

Monday 21 January 2008

Been seeing some ppl... that ive met or known... getting married. Fair enuff im not close to them or anything like that... the fact that i know ppl getting married brings me to wonder... shit man... when are my group of friends gonna do it.. when am i going to do it??

Always thought that my 'ideal age' of marriage is.. 28 at least ( couz then im pretty sure i would have graduated, probably with a master.. or 2 .. or 4) and would have started earnin some money and stuff...

But im sure some of my friends would have gotten married by then! I wonder who the 1st one will be... wonder who it is that is going to set the benchmark ( yeah.. been studyin too much operations management) wonder how old i will be when i receive that invitation... And when that day finally arrives... i know its a new stage of my life.. and that im definitely getting older if im getting a wedding invitation with my name on it instead of my parent's name and end up being dragged along to the wedding whilst sitting in a table filled with uncles and aunties couz none of them brought their children...haih.. wonder whether ill go alone, or would i have a partner then... or possibly hire an escort.. to be my partner.. if you get what i mean... haha

Just wonderin.. thats all... when that day will be.. hmm.. whos gonna be the 1st couple... how the wedding will be.. how we will sit together.. in different stages of our lives.. all working in big firms and all whilst im still doing my masters (hopefully i wont be in my bachelors still).. just wonderin...
remember that tunak tunak song... well... here it is... with ENGLISH SUBTITLES SOMEMORE!!

for those who dont know what is tunak tunak.. just watch it.. best music video ever!

Saturday 19 January 2008

This is me being... stupid!

So.. woke up late on saturday, called a couple of my friends for lunch but they already went for it. And lunch was going to be shit... found out that the student bar in the student union was open with food... so i decided to go buy some food to eat.

Couz i figured that it was going to be quick ( buy and come back) i decided to just put on a hoodie and go for it... thus i was wearing.. shorts, hoodie and my oh so reliable havaianas flip flops...

Along the way, saw the bus to the city... ngam ngam it was there... something came over me to go to city and have good chinese food... RICE RICE! so i just hopped on.. and went into town. Weather was gloomy but it didnt matter couz i was going to have good food!

Went into town.. had my awesome lunch. Took away as well just in case i want supper or i can eat it for tomorrow's lunch ( nah.. im pretty sure its going to be eaten for supper) . Came out.. and it was raining.

Next bus... 25 minutes away. And trust the weekend service.. it might not even come... best part is.. the bus stop isnt even covered.

Decided to try to book a cab (bookin cabs are cheaper as their rates are lower compared to cabs that you get from stands as they charge you much much higher rates) but the earliest i could get a cab was 1 hour from then....

Decided to take a cab from the taxi stand in the end.. wind was killin me...rain was killin me..
*this maybe a bit over exaggerated, it wasnt really that bad*

So you there have it.. 6 pounds... haih..

ps. I still have the return ticket for bus.. for the way back...

Friday 18 January 2008

a new record... 19 comments... trust the post to be one based on 'topic of the day'

conclusions so far about how innocent ppl get it done in bed... dirty talk and all...

According to kee win, all ppl are horny inside anyways...

According to harvard, the girl will initially resist but once the 'erogenous zone' has been touched, soothed,*insert arousing word here*, the girl will beg the guy for more. If you want actual the comments... im just summarizing it up..

According to joe&maylin, a voice transmitter should be placed underneath an innocent person's bed to hear the convo

According to monash, she thinks its a great idea and would try it on her 'girlfriend'

According to isaac, joe&maylin's idea should not be placed in action due to recent clampings of 'voice transmiters or hidden cams 'cctv')

According to Veron, who went totally out of point and started talkin about a movie with ppl who had mental disabilities trying to do it.. eh! im talkin about innocent ppl ok, not ppl with mental disabilities... i think i know what you are up to! Veron is indirectly saying innocent ppl are ppl with mental disabilities... ooh. you sayin pocket boy got problem la!! man.. CHOI CHOI CHOI*touch wood*!!!evil la you..

According to jeannie, sex actually happens with a BAM!!... literally.. though she tried to convince me later that it was meant metaphorically...

final conclusion: Jeannie wants loud sex, Veron goes out of point, monash might get arrested with 'distribution of sex tape', isaac might just be the one who catches her, joe&maylin are most likely on right now looking for a $10 voice transmitter, harvard might just be in the bathroom having conversations with himself whilst *insert action here*, whilst kee win might just become a lecturer at melb uni in the future if there is a course in sex studies(actually think there is one already)... possibly with a subject code of 669-101(foundations of sexing)

Wednesday 16 January 2008

the ever so powerful word : "that"

remember back in the day, where songs were about... real life happenings, issues in the world, about war and politics, poverty, racism etc..

What happened to those days?

Now you have ppl like shakira singin songs with lines like:

"lucky that my breast are small and humble,
so you dont confuse them.. with mountains!"
shakira ~ Whenever, wherever

WTH rite?

aint wanting to diss shakira... its not just her.. even one of my fav artiste, ne-yo is messed up with his lyrics as well:

'could it be the little wrinkle over your nose,
when you make your angry face
that makes me wanna just take off all your clothes,
and sex you all over the place'
Ne-yo ~ when you're mad

man.. i can think of so many other songs... gold digger(kanye), i dont want you back(eamon).. the other version of that song where the girl screws him back... man.. countless songs.. whats the deal... What happened to songs with meanings...

Nevertheless, i think.. the best ppl at messing up lyrics, confusing its fans.. with songs that make no sense.. are the backstreet boys!!

seriously man... Im not sayin thats bad.. i like all these songs.. heck i used to like bsb and i can still sing just about all their songs with perfect lyrics stucked in my head(also with the scar of performing their songs during oweek audition, followed by strippin to sporty spice to do dances on songs by spice girls).. i love em.. as long as there is a good beat and there..but seriously.. the lyrics man...

the reason for bsb having the best 'confusing' lyrics is the excessive use of the word 'that'. Examples of songs include 'i want it that way' and 'more than that'. Remembered there was one more song as well.. think its called 'thats the way i like it'

lyrics went like :

'baby listen to me when i say, i will love you more than that'
~ more than what a...

'i never wanna hear you say, i want it that way'
~ that way? what way?specify please?
ps. man.. this song is stuck in my head.. not the ori version.. but the 'which backstreet boy is gay' version

'thats the way i like it'
~ wat way, upside down? inside out?

man.. im sure there are more lyrics that are so dodge!!! not just by bsb.. but everyone else as well!

conclusion: this world is messed up!

Monday 14 January 2008

screw james bond, ethan hunt(mission impossible in case you didnt know), john mcClane(Die hard) screw all of you... id rather be jason bourne anyday...

dont need no fancy cars, fancy gadgets... dont need ms judy dench(M in james bond) to be on your neck the whole time.. all you need is your brains... your fighting skills, and have much more lives than a cat...

If you dont know why, watch bourne ultimatum... and you will

Saturday 12 January 2008

topic of the day

How do innocent, naive, geeky, really nice nice ppl (names in my head should not be mentioned) bring along the topic of sex with their partners in bed? How do they do it? how do they dirty talk ? How do they ask their partners to have sex with em? how?

Been wonderin about it in my head for quite a while now... seriously? you can imagine what... horny ppl would do... how most couples would react... but i cant see how... 2 really innocent naive ppl getting together.. getting married.. and initiating a conversation on having sex that nite...

Now im not sayin that all they are weird or anything... couz they are normal and they are just about the nicest person you will ever meet.. kind, down to earth etc... innocent as an angel.. its like.. the image they have is so angelic that .. you just cant imagine them.. trying to get it on?

Reason im sayin this is.. at times when i meet some of my parents friends (couples, of course), you can see that they are so nice, innocent etc.. that you just cant imagine them talking about having sex... no.. im not trying to think of visuals!!! im just sayin.. you just cant think of.. what the guy would say to the girl... or how they would go abouts doing it?

Which brings me to thinkin about some of the people that i know off now... who are so so so innocent and at times.. naive to this sorta topics? that i just cant imagine how it would be like for them in the future.. what the convo would be like and all..and thats why im curious to know!! What do you think?

ps. Sure there are the QBH ppl.. but.. lets talk about the innocent.. innocent.. naive quiet ones.. QANH(quiet and not horny)
harvard is a pain in the ass...

handed in my accounting assignment 2 hours earlier than the due in time.. and this is after i watched american pie : beta house (90 percent of the movie was just ..boobs boobs and more boobs)

Cant remember the last time i handed in an assignment on time? Nor can i remember the last time i wrote an essay without copyin people's sentences, paragraphs with fingers crossed that i wont get caught for plagiarism... not the last time i actually did my own referencing ( pretty sure i stuffed that one up)...

Nevertheless, i did get help.. lots of thanks to.. daniel, cc, jason, grace, veron and token arts student jeannie ( who can sorta be an accounting student now that she understands absorption costing and ABC)

Friday 11 January 2008

You know you're getting old when...

you buy a dvd (national treasure part1) thinkin you have not watched the movie but realise after 10 minutes into watching it that you have...

ps. Armageddon has got to be one of my all time favourite movies... ( a hot liv tyler might have had something to do with it)

Saturday 5 January 2008


Since i realise that i no longer call myself toetai (not that often anyways), i figured a change of the blog address was appropriate...

So here you are... my new blog...

ps. really couldnt think of any name for the blog.. so i think i might have immitated dan's blog add naming convention.. swear that i wanted a simple black colour blog for a long time though.. thus the background wasnt a form of immitation.. just.. coincidence?